

startproject can be used to create a data science project directory. This helps in easy team collaboration, rapid prototyping, easy reproducibility and fast iteration.The directory structure is by no means a globally recognized standard, but was inspired by the folder structure created by the Azure team (

Project Structure

data: Stores data used for the experiments, including raw and intermediate processed data.

  • processed: stores all processed data files after cleaning, analysis, feature creation, etc.

  • raw: Stores all raw data obtained from databases, file storages, etc.

outputs: Stores all output files from an experiment.

  • models : Stores trained binary model files. This are models saved after training and evaluation for later use.

src: Stores all source code including scripts and notebook experiments.

scripts : Stores all code scripts usually in Python/R format. This is usually refactored from the notebooks.

  • modeling: Stores all scripts and code relating to model building, evaluation and saving.

  • preparation: Stores all scripts used for data preparation and cleaning.

  • ingest: Stores all scripts used for reading in data from different sources like databases, web or file storage.

notebooks : Stores all Jupyter notebooks used for experimentation.

        project_name: String, Filepath
            Name of filepath of the directory to initialize and create folders.


Start project from terminal.

If you have datasist installed, you can start a new project from the terminal as shown below:

>>> startproject my_new_shiny_project
Creating project my_new_shiny_project
Project created successfully in /home/johndoe/my_new_shiny_project
>>> cd my_new_shiny_project
config.txt  data  outputs  README.txt  src

Start project with Editor

>>> python
Python 3.7.5 (default, Oct 25 2019, 15:51:11) 
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import datasist as ds
>>> ds.project.startproject("new_project")
Creating project new_project
Project created successfully in /home/johndoe/new_project

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